Closed Loop HK achieves sustainability by promoting economic development and an eco-awaring market. We are leading social changes to green lifestyle and protecting mother nature by providing eco-friendly solutions.
energetic and circulating."

Hong Kong is a place with growing consciousness on eco-friendly lifestyle and strengthening concerns of sustainability. In fact, the recycling rate in Hong Kong is at a low level. According to the Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department, about 40% of solid waste in landfill are plastic and paper packaging. Different stakeholders in the society urge enterprises to utilise more recyclable packaging.

We are here to make a difference towards eco-protection. We put efforts on cooperating with our customers and creating an eco-friendly market. We bring out recyclable, compostable and pollution-free packaging solutions. So as to achieve eliminating waste, as well as encouraging users to offer valuable resources a second life.

We shall keep innovating and improving recyclable packaging solutions to achieve long term sustainability and protect our next generation. In the foreseeing future, we shall cooperate with Closed Loop Environmental Solutions Pty Ltd to deliver waste management consultations. Click here to visit their website.